5 Elements Wellness Program
"Flow with the seasons"
Based on the principles of
5 Element Theory
Ongoing secular curriculum
that changes with the seasons
Each season has its appropriate practices of
meditation object
The exercises reflect the body's internal changes
Designed to promote physiological, emotional & psychological well-being
Suitable for all skill-levels and not a religious program

Classes offered in-person and via Zoom
every Thursday 6:00pm-7:00pm
Attend as often as you wish for low monthly tuition of $75
Each class consists of 5 Elements season-specific meditation, breathing exercises, Tong-Gong health exercises and meridian stretching exercises
Five Elements Wellness Program tuition covers unlimited classes
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Automated monthly charge
What is Five Element Theory?
All things change, adjusting to their environment, time and others in a natural quest for balance and harmony. Five Element Theory is an eastern philosophical effort to predict those changes, ease into them in a mindful fashion and reduce discomfort in the process.
The "five phases of transformation" are associated with five common "elements" and five natural seasons:
Water supports the generation of new life hidden below the surface during winter rests.
Wood replenishes with new growth in the spring.
Fire signifies the flourishing that occurs under the warmth of summer sun.
Earth brings the ripening of crops in late summer.
Metal provides storage of seed for the next cycle and is a symbol of autumn harvest.
Maintaining a harmonious balance using the ancient knowledge of Five Element Theory is a practice enjoyed all over the world. Soshimsa Zen Center is pleased to offer our Five Elements Wellness Program, utilizing thousands of years of wisdom in a format that all will find accessible, understandable and —most important of all—